- 拓展台灣數位典藏 - http://content.teldap.tw/index -

Posted By 林 彥宏 On 十一月 8, 2007 @ 8:38 am In 計畫簡介 | No Comments



  文獻與檔案主題小組旨在提供參與文獻與檔案典藏數位化的機構與單位,協調合作的管道,並藉由這樣的機制,研擬共通的數位化相關規範與標準,更重要的是,記錄各計畫各項工作發展的歷程與其重要成果。本主題小組除了定期召開的主題小組會議,分享各計畫工作經驗以外,並提出問題、進行協調與合作討論,針對相同類型的藏品資料進行整合型平台的規劃與建置,如:[1] 檔案人名權威聯合檢索平台http://


Introduction to the Archives and Databases Thematic Group

   At the second phase of National Digital Archives Program, Taiwan (NDAP), the sub-groups of Archives, Rare Books, Chinese Classics Full-text Database, and Stone and Bronze Rubbings with similar characters, were merged as “Archives and Databases Thematic Group” which was chaired by Vice President Professor Aming Tu of Dharma Drum Buddhist College.


    The Thematic Group emphasizes on providing a coordination and cooperation platform for institutes and units which participating in the digitization of Documentations and Archives., also a mechanism to ordinate commonly used digitalization regulations and standards, and a record for developing progress and fruitions within the project as the most important purpose. The Group holds regular meetings to share working experiences, propose problems, conduct coordination and cooperative discussion, and plan for and establish the coordinative platform for similar-type of collected information, i.e. [2] Coordinative Name Searching [3]

Article printed from 拓展台灣數位典藏: http://content.teldap.tw/index

URL to article: http://content.teldap.tw/index/?p=103

URLs in this post:
[1] 檔案人名權威聯合檢索平台http://
[2] Coordinative Name Searching: