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This plan is one of the eight main plans of “Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archives Program” and the main goal is to “establish and show the various digital contents of cultures, society and natural environments in Taiwan”. They hope to apply the fields of education, business and academia with other main plans and help proceed the international communication on the basis of each kind of valuable digitalized data produced by many plans. Our main assignments are to provide the convenient ways for people to participate in, to extend the target to take part in the digital archives, to popularize the digitalizing standards and sharing experiences, to lower the establishing cost of the digital archives and to boost the cooperating plans of cross organizations, and these plans are oriented to deepen the adding value.

Under the goal of “the variety of Taiwan archives”, we wildly collect the digital contents from public and private organizations and public solicitations which include the fields of Taiwan nature, archaeology, language words, geography, ethnic cultures, history, economy, democratic progress, art, aesthetics and people’s lives. The plan is aimed at the kinds of digitalizing objects, working procedures and techniques. It combines the international standards and look after the need of localization, forming an ideal of the related fields both in our country and overseas. Moreover, in the future, we hope to cross the fields of nature and humanity, culture and technology to proceed systematic integration, to establish domestic digital resources, to provide the material of digital archives contents in each knowledge field, to be able to download for free and do non-business use, to accelerate people’s identification toward our native cultures and to elevate the international visibility.