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Philology, Videography and Journalism Thematic Group




  影音資料數位化為國家型計畫二期一項重點工作,希望藉由成立本小組,能協助相關典藏單位將唱片、CD、廣播與電視節目、電影片、錄影帶等影像與聲音資料進行數位化,不僅協助解決典藏保存上的問題,更可將成果提供學術使用。本小組除定期召開工作會議,提供計畫成員數位化工作經驗交流外,亦協助建立數位化工作流程、守則等作業規範 ,並邀請擁有珍貴典藏資料者加入藏品數位化,以增加典藏品的多樣性,另不定期邀請業界或相關單位介紹數位化技術,以協助計畫成員能對最新的典藏技術有瞭解的機會。


Introduction to Languages and Multimedia Thematic Group


 Observing video, audio, and philology as the important media to preserve Taiwanese history and culture, theThematic Group was founded at the second stage of National Digital Archives Program, Taiwan (NDAP) in order to rescue those important records in danger of missing, convened by Associate Professor Huang Chun-Ren, of Graduate Institute of Ethnomusicology, National Taiwan Normal University.


 The digitization of videographic data is one of the important jobs at the second stage of NDAP with its setting goal to assist collecting institutes on digitizing data in gramophone records, CD, broadcasting and television programs, motion picture films, and videotapes in order to resolve preservation issues and to promote academic uses of them. The Group regularly conducts meetings to invite members for experience shares, helps digitization process and setting of working guidelines, recruits collectors of some pristine data into the array in order to enhance diversity of collecting data, and calls for technical introduction sessions to acquaint members with most update techniques.