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Introduction to the Life and Culture Thematic Group


  The Life and Culture Thematic Group consists of two sections: the anthropology team and the archeology team. The major collection of the anthropology team includes photos, sound & music, videos, relics, specimen, documentary information, and references of Aboriginal, Hakka, Minan, other minorities and migrants from Mainland China. The major collection of the archeology team includes photos of excavated relics, sites, diaries and related records.


  Presently, the Life and Culture Thematic Group is chaired by Professor Inghai Pan, director of Graduate Institute of Anthropology, National Chi-Nan University. There are about 13 request-for-proposal projects and institute projects including Institute of History and Philology of Academia Sinica, Council of Indigenous Peoples (Executive Yuan), Council of Hakka Affairs (Executive Yuan), National Taiwan Museum, and National Taiwan University of Art.


  The mission of the Thematic Group is to establish standards for digitization and workflow, to coordinate the collaboration among different projects for developing knowledge net based upon different themes, and to search for potential resources for future participation in the National Digital Archive Project.


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