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Introduction to the Archives and Databases Thematic Group

   At the second phase of National Digital Archives Program, Taiwan (NDAP), the sub-groups of Archives, Rare Books, Chinese Classics Full-text Database, and Stone and Bronze Rubbings with similar characters, were merged as “Archives and Databases Thematic Group” which was chaired by Vice President Professor Aming Tu of Dharma Drum Buddhist College.


    The Thematic Group emphasizes on providing a coordination and cooperation platform for institutes and units which participating in the digitization of Documentations and Archives., also a mechanism to ordinate commonly used digitalization regulations and standards, and a record for developing progress and fruitions within the project as the most important purpose. The Group holds regular meetings to share working experiences, propose problems, conduct coordination and cooperative discussion, and plan for and establish the coordinative platform for similar-type of collected information, i.e. Coordinative Name Searching


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