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附錄一、ICC profile工具軟體一覽表








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參考資料來源:ICC profile工具軟體http://www.color.org/profilingtools.xalter

附錄二、B usiness Plan of ISO/TC 130 - Graphic technology


ISO/TC 130 N 1094

Business Plan of ISO/TC 130

Date: 2006-12-12

Version: Final



ISO Technical Committees and Business Planning

The extension of formal business planning to ISO Technical Committees (ISO/TCs) is an important measure which forms part of a major review of business. The aim is to align the ISO work programme with expressed market needs and to allow ISO/TCs to prioritize between different projects, to identify the benefits expected from the availability of International Standards and to ensure the adequate resourcing of projects through their development stages in the ISO/TCs. Your role in the implementation of the Business Planning concept will contribute significantly to the overall effectiveness of international standardization.

We express our sincere appreciation and thanks for your time in reviewing this Business Plan.

International standardization and the role of ISO

The foremost aim of international standardization is to facilitate the exchange of goods and services through the elimination of technical barriers to trade.

Three bodies are responsible for the planning, development and adoption of International Standards: ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is responsible for all sectors excluding electrotechnical, which is the responsibility of IEC (International Electrotechnical Committee), and most of the Telecommunications Technologies, which are largely the responsibility of ITU (International Telecommunication Union).

ISO is a legal association, the members of which are the National Standards Bodies (NSBs) of some 130 countries (organizations representing social and economic interests at international level), supported by a Central Secretariat based in Geneva, Switzerland.

The principal deliverable of ISO is the International Standard.

An International Standard embodies the essential principles of global openness and transparency, consensus and technical coherence. These are safeguarded through its development in an ISO Technical Committee (ISO/TC), representative of all interested parties, supported by a public comment phase (the ISO Technical Enquiry). ISO and its Technical Committees are also able to offer the ISO Technical Specification (ISO/TS), the ISO Public Available Specification (ISO/PAS) and the ISO Technical Report (ISO/TR) as solutions to market needs. These ISO products represent lower levels of consensus and have therefore not the same status as an International Standard.

ISO offers also the Industry Technical Agreement (ITA) as a deliverable which aims to bridge the gap between the activities of consortia and the formal process of standardization represented by ISO and its national members. An important distinction is that the ITA is developed by ISO workshops and fora, comprising only participants with direct interest, and so it is not accorded the status of an International Standard.

Scope of ISO/TC 130

Standardization of terminology, test methods and specifications in the field of printing and graphic technology from the originals provided to finished products. The scope includes in particular: composition; colour separation, colour management; storage of digital image data on electronic data carriers, display of graphical data on monitors and by projection, printing processes; finishing (for example binding); suitability of inks, substrates and other materials used in graphic technology. Printing is defined here as a process of repetitive reproduction involving the transfer of a usually coloured substance (ink, etc.) to a substrate, using relief, planographic, intaglio, stencil or other printing forms or without a permanent printing forme by so-called non-impact printing methods.

Market Environment and Objectives of ISO/TC 130

This section establishes a sequential development of thoughts regarding the market for which the ISO/TC aims to fulfil the needs. Details in relation to the market analysis are given in the Guidance document on ISO Business Planning. The sequence of thoughts starts from a description of the current market situation relevant to the product or product grouping under consideration by the ISO/TC, continues on to an analysis of the different factors motivating/influencing the activities of the ISO/TC, to come to clear description of objectives and expected benefits resulting from the work of the ISO/TC, together with an accompanying strategy how to reach those objectives. Finally, a general ‘risk analysis’ is included highlighting issues that may delay or stop the ISO/TC achieving its set objectives.

Market Environment

Political, economical, social, technical, legal and international factors that either directly require some or all of the standardization activities proposed by the ISO/TC, or significantly influence the way these activities are carried out are the following:

1. General description of the market

ISO/TC 130 addresses the business community engaged in print media production and its suppliers of

· materials,

· computer hard- and software,

· proofing soft-, firm- and hardware,

· printing, converting, finishing and other related machinery,

· optical measuring instruments,

· laboratory apparatus.

ISO/TC130 presently serves this market by providing a framework of standards on terminology, pre-press digital data exchange, process control, metrology, printing materials, ergonomics and safety.

2. Description of the total market

Total sales in graphic arts over the last 3 years: 483 billion EURO in the developed world

Total employment world-wide: roughly 2 million people


With the exception of the digital media, graphic products like newspapers and brochures are mainly being produced close to the consumer. Therefore, graphic production requires the free flow of information and image material on a global scale, from the source to the final printing site. Traditionally, work is split up between several enterprises: The creative side, the pre-press service provider, the printer and the print finisher. In this environment, consistent work is only possible, if a minimum set of recognized International Standards exist that define the interfaces between co-operating enterprises.

3. Description of the market structure and the major market players

3.1 Structure of the market: Suppliers/Manufacturers


Software providers 10 %

Printing 30 %

Converting 5 %

Paper 40 %

Digital media and pre-press 15 %

3.2 Major factors which may have an impact on the development of the markets


Paper suppliers are concentrating into large and very large operations, Scandinavia still is a focal point. Printing and pre-press equipment suppliers tend to globalise, too, there are only half a dozen global players left over. On the side of non-paper materials, concentration is also in full swing, there are not more than 5 global players.

With the exception of very few printers tend to be middle to small-sized. Over 95 % of the print shops have less than 100 employees.

With the on-going digital revolution, demand and revenue for pre-press work decline, while the pre-press industry struggles to realise new opportunities with the new digital media like Internet and other electronically-based media.

Contrary to many predictions, newspapers consumption and advertisement revenues are not declining in favour of television.

The short-run colour market does not grow as fast as often predicted.

Social change:

With the growth of literacy and per-capita-income in the developing countries, a vast potential of reader-consumers is yet to be realised.

Because of the decentralised nature of the print media production, legal, customs and other barriers do not normally hamper the production.

The environmental impact of printed products on paper is minimal - if not only visual - because the mainly consumed item newsprint can be recycled (the figure is 90 % in Central Europe), if not , it decomposes natural by action. Of concern are printed plastic packagings which can be recycled if collected properly. Production can be affected here by local restrictions or legislation.

In the developed countries cropped forests are being replanted, so cropping will not normally impact the environment.

4. Benefits expected from the work of ISO/TC 130

The provision of standards aids the free flow of text and image information which is a prerequisite for newspaper and print production in general.

Traditionally, graphic arts work is split up between several enterprises: The creative side, the pre-press service provider, the printer and the print finisher. In this environment, consistent work is only possible, if a minimum set of recognised International Standards exist that define, in a technical way, the interfaces between co-operating enterprises.

5. Representation of major players in ISO/TC 130

The nations represented in the TC work groups more or less coincide with the major producers and consumers of the graphic arts industry.

The major groups represented in the working groups are

USA approx. 33 experts

Japan approx. 20 experts

Great Britain approx. 6 experts

Brazil approx. 12 experts

Germany approx. 6 experts

Others approx. 16 experts

Objectives of ISO/TC 130 and Strategies for their Achievement

Based on the considerations above, the ISO/TC proposes the following objectives and strategic directions for its future work:

Objectives of ISO/TC 130

Elaboration of standards on the subject of graphic technology, i. e. data exchange process control, measurement methods, materials, terminology, ergonomics and safety.

Strategies adopted to reach the Objectives

Development of Prepress data exchange, conduction of physical meetings and telephone conferences using the English language and a simple organisational structure based on Working Groups. The secretariat for the TC as well as WG 1, WG 3, WG 4, JWG 6 is managed by DIN while the remaining WG 2 and WG 5 are managed by NPES/US.

The work on colour requires liaison to CIE and ISO/TC 42. The work on colour management and office machines provided for colour work requires liaison to ISO/TC 42, IEC/TC 100 , ICC and ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 28.

The work on data exchange process control requires liaison to CIP 3/CIP 4 and the JDF consortia. Since printing is mainly on paper, liaison to TC 6 is essential.

Risk analysis

Advance of standards work in ISO/TC 130 heavily depends on the work of a dozen key players whose workload endangers timely delivery of documents. In some areas, progress is slowed down by powerful industrial associations who view the standards process as a threat to their status as the sole source of enlightenment.

Work Programme

This section gives an overview of existing and planned standardization projects, called Work Items (WI). The aim of this listing is to demonstrate the adequacy of the proposed programme of work with the actual market or stakeholders’ needs. More comprehensive information regarding the ISO/TC structure can be found under the next section ‘ISO/TC Structure and Resources’.

Note that the information provided below is accurate as of 2006-12-12. A list of ISO/TC 130 Work Items which is continually updated can be found on the Web site of ISO.

Work Programme of ISO/TC 130 on ISO Web site

ISO/TC 130 - Graphic technology

Reference : ISO/DIS 2834-2

Graphic technology — Laboratory preparation test prints — Part 2: Liquid printing inks

Current stage: 40.20

Stage date: 2006-11-17


Reference : ISO/DIS 2846-2

Graphic technology — Colour and transparency of printing ink sets for four-colour printing — Part 2: Coldset offset lithographic printing

Current stage: 40.20

Stage date: 2006-12-07

Publication target date: 2008-01-21


Reference : ISO/AWI 5776

Graphic technology — Symbols for text correction

Current stage: 20.00

Stage date: 2006-09-26


Reference : ISO/NP 12635

Graphic technology — Plates for offset printing — Dimensions

Current stage: 10.99

Stage date: 2005-08-01

Publication target date: 2009-02-01


Reference : ISO/CD 12637-2

Graphic technology — Vocabulary — Part 2: Prepress terms

Current stage: 30.20

Stage date: 2006-05-24


Reference : ISO/CD 12637-3

Graphic technology — Vocabulary — Part 3: Printing terms

Current stage: 30.20

Stage date: 2006-08-30


Reference : ISO/DIS 12637-4

Graphic technology — Vocabulary — Part 4: Postpress terms

Current stage: 40.20

Stage date: 2006-10-19


Reference : ISO 12639:2004/PRF Amd 1

Use of JBIG2-Amd2 compression in TIFF/IT

Current stage: 50.20

Stage date: 2006-11-24


Reference : ISO/DIS 12640-3

Graphic technology — Prepress digital data exchange — Part 3: CIELAB standard colour image data (CIELAB/SCID)

Current stage: 40.60

Stage date: 2006-03-15


Reference : ISO/FDIS 12643-1

Graphic technology — Safety requirements for graphic technology equipment and systems — Part 1: General requirements

Current stage: 50.20

Stage date: 2006-11-15


Reference : ISO/FDIS 12643-2

Graphic technology — Safety requirements for graphic technology equipment and systems — Part 2: Press equipment and systems

Current stage: 50.00

Stage date: 2006-09-19


Reference : ISO/DIS 12643-3

Graphic technology — Safety requirements for graphic technology equipment and systems — Part 3: Binding and finishing equipment

Current stage: 40.20

Stage date: 2006-10-03


Reference : ISO/DIS 12646

Graphic technology — Displays for colour proofing — Characteristics and viewing conditions

Current stage: 40.20

Stage date: 2006-07-21


Reference : ISO 12647-2:2004/FDAmd 1

Graphic technology — Process control for the production of half-tone colour separations, proof and production prints — Part 2: Offset lithographic processes

Amendment 1

Current stage: 50.00

Stage date: 2006-11-24


Reference : ISO/DIS 12647-7

Graphic technology — Process control for the manufacture of half-tone colour separations, proof and productions prints — Part 7: Off-press proofing process working directly from digital data

Current stage: 40.20

Stage date: 2006-10-19

Publication target date: 2008-08-26


Reference : ISO/CD 13655

Graphic technology — Spectral measurement and colorimetric computation for graphic arts images

Current stage: 30.20

Stage date: 2006-08-16


Reference : ISO/NP TR 15847

Graphic technology –Graphical symbols for printing press systems and finishing systems, including related auxiliary equipment

Current stage: 10.99

Stage date: 2006-05-23


Reference : ISO/DIS 15930-7

Graphic technology — Prepress digital data exchange using PDF — Part 7: Complete exchange of printing data (PDF/X-4) and partial exchange of printing data with external profile reference (PDF/X-4p) using PDF 1.6

Current stage: 40.20

Stage date: 2006-07-24


Reference : ISO/DIS 15930-8

Graphic technology — Prepress digital data exchange using PDF — Part 8: Partial exchange of printing data using PDF 1.6 (PDF/X-5)

Current stage: 40.20

Stage date: 2006-07-26


Reference : ISO/DIS 28178

Graphic technology — Exchange format for colour and process control data using XML or ASCII text

Current stage: 40.20

Stage date: 2006-10-24

International Standards and other publications of ISO/TC 130

This section gives a list of International Standards that have been published by the ISO/TC.

Please note that the information provided below is accurate as of 2006-12-12. A list of published ISO/TC 130 Standards which is continually updated can be found on the Web site of ISO.

Published Standards of ISO/TC 130 on ISO Web site

ISO 2834:1999

Graphic technology — Test print preparation for offset and letterpress inks

ISO 2834:1999/Cor 1:2003

ISO 2834-1:2006

Graphic technology — Laboratory preparation of test prints — Part 1: Paste inks

ISO 2835:1974

Prints and printing inks — Assessment of light fastness

ISO 2836:2004

Graphic technology — Prints and printing inks — Assessment of resistance of prints to various agents

ISO 2846-1:2006

Graphic technology — Colour and transparency of printing ink sets for four-colour printing — Part 1: Sheet-fed and heat-set web offset lithographic printing

ISO 2846-2:2000

Graphic technology — Colour and transparency of printing ink sets for four-colour-printing — Part 2: Coldset offset lithographic printing

ISO 2846-3:2002

Graphic technology — Colour and transparency of printing ink sets for four-colour-printing — Part 3: Publication gravure printing

ISO 2846-4:2000

Graphic technology — Colour and transparency of printing ink sets for four-colour-printing — Part 4: Screen printing

ISO 2846-5:2005

Graphic technology — Colour and transparency of printing ink sets for four-colour printing — Part 5: Flexographic printing

ISO 5776:1983

Graphic technology — Symbols for text correction

ISO 11084-1:1993

Graphic technology — Register systems for photographic materials, foils and paper — Part 1: Three-pin systems

ISO 11084-2:2006

Graphic technology — Register systems for photographic materials, foils and paper — Part 2: Register pin systems for plate making

ISO 12040:1997

Graphic technology — Prints and printing inks — Assessment of light fastness using filtered xenon arc light

ISO 12218:1997

Graphic technology — Process control — Offset platemaking

ISO 12634:1996

Graphic technology — Determination of tack of paste inks and vehicles by a rotary tackmeter

ISO 12635:1996

Graphic technology — Plates for offset printing — Dimensions

ISO 12636:1998

Graphic technology — Blankets for offset printing

ISO 12637-1:2006

Graphic technology — Vocabulary — Part 1: Fundamental terms

ISO 12637-5:2001

Graphic technology — Multilingual terminology of printing arts — Part 5: Screen printing terms

ISO 12639:2004

Graphic technology — Prepress digital data exchange — Tag image file format for image technology (TIFF/IT)

ISO 12640-1:1997/Cor 1:2004

ISO 12640-1:1997

Graphic technology — Prepress digital data exchange — Part 1: CMYK standard colour image data (CMYK/SCID)

ISO 12640-2:2004

Graphic technology — Prepress digital data exchange — Part 2: XYZ/sRGB encoded standard colour image data (XYZ/SCID)

ISO 12641:1997

Graphic technology — Prepress digital data exchange — Colour targets for input scanner calibration

ISO 12642-1:1996/Cor 1:2005

ISO 12642-1:1996

Graphic technology — Input data for characterization of 4-colour process printing — Part 1: Initial data set

ISO 12642-2:2006

Graphic technology — Input data for characterization of 4-colour process printing — Part 2: Expanded data set

ISO 12644:1996

Graphic technology — Determination of rheological properties of paste inks and vehicles by the falling rod viscometer

ISO 12645:1998

Graphic technology — Process control — Certified reference material for opaque area calibration of transmission densitometers

ISO 12646:2004

Graphic technology — Displays for colour proofing — Characteristics and viewing conditions

ISO 12647-1:2004

Graphic technology — Process control for the production of half-tone colour separations, proof and production prints — Part 1: Parameters and measurement methods

ISO 12647-2:2004

Graphic technology — Process control for the production of half-tone colour separations, proof and production prints — Part 2: Offset lithographic processes

ISO 12647-3:2005

Graphic technology — Process control for the production of half-tone colour separations, proofs and production prints — Part 3: Coldset offset lithography on newsprint

ISO 12647-4:2005

Graphic technology — Process control for the production of half-tone colour separations, proofs and production prints — Part 4: Publication gravure printing

ISO 12647-5:2001

Graphic technology — Process control for the manufacture of half-tone colour separations, proof and production prints — Part 5: Screen printing

ISO 12647-6:2006

Graphic technology — Process control for the production of half-tone colour separations, proofs and production prints — Part 6: Flexographic printing

ISO 12648:2006

Graphic technology — Safety requirements for printing press systems

ISO 12649:2004

Graphic technology — Safety requirements for binding and finishing systems and equipment

ISO 13655:1996

Graphic technology — Spectral measurement and colorimetric computation for graphic arts images

ISO 13656:2000

Graphic technology — Application of reflection densitometry and colorimetry to process control or evaluation of prints and proofs

ISO/TR 14672:2000

Graphic technology — Statistics of the natural SCID images defined in ISO 12640

ISO 14981:2000

Graphic technology — Process control — Optical, geometrical and metrological requirements for reflection densitometers for graphic arts use

ISO 15076-1:2005

Image technology colour management — Architecture, profile format and data structure — Part 1: Based on ICC.1:2004-10

ISO 15790:2004

Graphic technology and photography — Certified reference materials for reflection and transmission metrology — Documentation and procedures for use, including determination of combined standard uncertainty

ISO 15929:2002

Graphic technology — Prepress digital data exchange — Guidelines and principles for the development of PDF/X standards

ISO 15930-1:2001

Graphic technology — Prepress digital data exchange — Use of PDF — Part 1: Complete exchange using CMYK data (PDF/X-1 and PDF/X-1a)


ISO 15930-3:2002

Graphic technology — Prepress digital data exchange — Use of PDF — Part 3: Complete exchange suitable for colour-managed workflows (PDF/X-3)

ISO 15930-4:2003

Graphic technology — Prepress digital data exchange using PDF — Part 4: Complete exchange of CMYK and spot colour printing data using PDF 1.4 (PDF/X-1a)

ISO 15930-5:2003

Graphic technology — Prepress digital data exchange using PDF — Part 5: Partial exchange of printing data using PDF 1.4 (PDF/X-2)

ISO 15930-6:2003

Graphic technology — Prepress digital data exchange using PDF — Part 6: Complete exchange of printing data suitable for colour-managed workflows using PDF 1.4 (PDF/X-3)

ISO 15994:2005

Graphic technology — Testing of prints — Visual lustre

ISO/TR 16044:2004

Graphic technology — Database architecture model and control parameter coding for process control and workflow (Database AMPAC)

ISO/TR 16066:2003

Graphic technology — Standard object colour spectra database for colour reproduction evaluation (SOCS)

ISO 16612-1:2005

Graphic technology — Variable printing data exchange — Part 1: Using PPML 2.1 and PDF 1.4 (PPML/VDX-2005)

ISO/TC 130 Structure and Resources

This section gives an overview of the existing and planned standardization structure for this ISO/TC and its resources, which are required to be able to elaborate the above listed projects. Only structures directly responsible for standardization projects (WIs) are listed. Therefore, no co-ordination or advisory groups are included. Again, the aim of this listing is to demonstrate the adequacy of available resources with regard to the anticipated workload.

ISO/TC 130 - Graphic technology

ISO/TC 130 Graphic technology

Contact through: DIN

TC 130/WG 1 Terminology

Contact through: BSI

TC 130/WG 2 Prepress data exchange

Contact through: ANSI

TC 130/WG 3 Process control and related metrology

Contact through: DIN

TC 130/WG 4 Media and materials

Contact through: DIN

TC 130/WG 5 Ergonomics - Safety

Contact through: ANSI

TC 130/WG 6 Joint TC 130-TC 42 WG: Certified reference materials (WG on stand by)

Contact through: DIN

TC 130/WG 7 Colour management (JWG ISO/TC 130 and ICC)

Contact through: ANSI

TC 130/JWG 8 Joint TC 130-TC 42 WG: Revision of ISO 13655

Contact through: DIN


Countries/ISO member bodies that are P and O members of the ISO committee


ISO/TC 130 Chairman : Dr. Uwe Bertholdt

ISO/TC 130 Secretary : Mr. Cord Wischh鐪er

ISO Member responsible : DIN German Institute for Standardization

Annex: Glossary of terms and abbreviations for the ISO/TC Business Plan

NB: This glossary gives the full name and status of terms used, in abbreviated form or in full, in the above “Business Plan for ISO/TCs”. The glossary also gives the source of the information provided. Glossary intends to help with the understanding of the terms used. Whenever any of these terms are used by contributors to this Business Plan, they are requested to use them coherently as foreseen in the glossary.





Activity of establishing, with regard to actual or potential problems, provisions for common and repeated use, aimed at the achievement of the optimum degree of order in a given context.


1 In particular, the activity consists of the processes of formulating, issuing and implementing standards.

2 Important benefits of standardization are improvement of the suitability of products, processes and services for their intended purposes, prevention of barriers to trade and facilitation of technological cooperation.


Document, established by consensus and approved by a recognized body, that provides, for common and repeated use, rules guidelines or characteristics for activities or their results, aimed at the achievement of the optimum degree of order in a given context.

NOTE Standards should be based on the consolidated results of science, technology and experience, and aimed at the promotion of optimum community benefits.

package of standards

A group, as small as possible, of inter-related standards in the scope of one or more ISO/TCs which are usually developed simultaneously to one another as parts of one standard, or standards that must be developed simultaneously.


General agreement, characterized by the absence of sustained opposition to substantial issues by any important part of the concerned interests and by a process that involves seeking to take into account the views of all parties concerned and to reconcile any conflicting arguments.

NOTE - Consensus need not imply unanimity

ISO/TC International Standardization Deliverables:



International Standard


A normative document, developed according to consensus procedures, which has been approved by the ISO membership and P-members of the responsible committee in accordance with Part 1 of the ISO/IEC Directives as a draft International Standard and/or as a final draft International Standard and which has been published by the ISO Central Secretariat.

ISO Technical Specification


A normative document representing the technical consensus within an ISO committee, approved by 2/3 of the P-members of the ISO/TC or SC.

ISO Public Available Specification


A normative document representing the consensus within a working group, approved by a simple majority of the P-members of the TC/SC under which the working group operates.

ISO Technical Report


An informative document containing information of a different form from that of normally published in a normative document.



An amendment alters and/or adds to previously agreed technical provisions in an existing standard.

Technical Committee


A technical body responsible for the programming and planning of technical work and the monitoring and execution of this technical work. The ISO/TC is also responsible for the consensus building process among its members for individual work items.



A technical body reporting to an ISO/TC which, within its scope which is covered by the scope of its parent ISO/TC, is responsible for the monitoring and execution of the technical work. The SC is also responsible for the approval and consensus building process among its members for individual work items.

ISO/TC Working group


ISO/SC Working group


A technical body, appointed by the ISO/TC or ISO/SC and composed of experts, responsible for the drafting of standards, in accordance to the ISO rules and the clear specifications set by the ISO/TC or ISO/SC.

Editing Committee

A committee set up by a technical body (ISO/TC or SC) at the beginning of its work, which represents the three official languages of ISO. It is responsible for the correct formulation and presentation of the standard(s) prepared by the technical body (ISO/TC or SC) and the equivalence of the texts in the three official languages.

Participating member


A member body participating actively in the work of a TC or SC, with an obligation to vote on all questions formally submitted for voting within the TC or SC on enquiry drafts and final draft international standards and, wherever possible, to participate in meetings.

Work Item number


The identification number given to a standards project in a standards work programme. It is intended that the standards project leads to the issue of a new, amended or revised standard, an ISO/PAS, ISO/TS or other ISO product.

Vienna Agreement


Agreement on technical cooperation between ISO and CEN.

VA ISO lead (5.1)

Technical cooperation between ISO and CEN under the VA, where the work is done by the ISO/TC, where a formal notification of interest was received by ISO from CEN, and where parallel synchronized procedures are applied in ISO and CEN for the approval processes.

VA CEN lead (5.2)

Technical cooperation between ISO and CEN under the VA, where the work is done by the CEN/TC or SC, where a formal notification of interest was received by CEN from ISO, and where parallel synchronized procedures are applied in ISO and CEN for the approval processes.

ISO stakeholders

Individuals, institutions, organizations or enterprises who have a direct or indirect interest in the ISO System, its activities and products and who have a specific interest in the effective programming of ISO work items and their adequate resourcing.

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1 人回應 “數位化工作流程指南:色彩管理”

  1. steve Says:

    good article,for anyone want to study color manage
    ,Thanks all of writer and support.


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