Tags: none 發表: 2007-11-08, 點閱: 5,263 , 加入收藏櫃 , 列印 , 轉寄生物與自然主題小組含動物、植物、地質等三個工作組,由中央研究院邵廣昭總召集及負責動物組,台大謝長富及科博館何恭算分別負責植物及地質組。動物與植物組典藏內容以臺灣本土各類動植物標本及其知識庫為主,地質組典藏內容則為台灣本土之礦物、岩石、動植物化石等。本主題小組將建立以生物名稱、全文或地理資訊的檢索平台,可檢索全台灣各地所典藏的物種資訊,含名錄、標本、影像、基本解說、分布及文獻等資料。目前己有十多個參與單位:中研院、科博館、臺大、台博館、農委會林試所、水試所、農試所、海生館、海大、清大及中山大學等,部份資料現己與全球生物多樣性資訊機構(GBIF)合作與接軌。
Introduction to Biosphere and Natural Thematic Group
The Thematic Group includes 3 sub-teams of Fauna, Flora and Geology; and is led by Dr. Kwang-Tsao Shao of Academia Sinica. Dr. Shao is also head of the Fauna Sub-team whereas Dr. Chang-Fu Hsieh of National Taiwan University and Dr. Kung-Suan Ho of the National Museum of Natural Science are in charge of the Flora and Geology Sub-teams, respectively. The fauna and flora collections focus on the indigenous animal and plant specimens and their databases; the geology collection covers Taiwan’s minerals, rocks, and animal as well as plant fossils. The Thematic Group will establish a search platform using organism name, full text, or GIS to retrieve species information such as checklist, specimen, image, basic description, distribution, and literature reference from various databases in Taiwan. Currently there are more than ten participating institutions which include Academia Sinica, National Taiwan University, National Museum of Natural Science, National Taiwan Museum, Council of Agriculture’s Taiwan Forestry Research Institute, Fisheries Research Institute and Agricultural Research Institute, National Museum of Marine Biology & Aquarium, National Taiwan Ocean University, National Tsing Hua University, and National Sun Yat-sen University. A portion of the species data have already been connected to the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF).