
Overall Project: Content Development

Coordination, Communication and Service

As the creation and development of the digital archives’ contents is extensive and complex, it requires sufficient conformity, coordination and communication to successfully advance the progress of each task. The overall project’s main tasks are to plan the direction of content development; to assist the functioning of each sub-project; to establish a knowledge management platform; and to provide each content development unit with the necessary resources and services.

Main Tasks:

  • Establish the ‘Digital Archives: Contents’ portal website to provide various services.
  • Assist each unit to set the digitization priority of each piece of cultural relic and information and the implementation process for mid- to long- term plans.
  • Establish the ‘Digital Archives Union Catalog’ for searching and management purposes.
  • Consult with the other divisions to set the criteria and mechanism for collecting a fee for using the digitized information.
  • Advance the ‘Digital Archives Content Development: Open/Public Solicitation Plan’ and encourage and assist private organizations to participate in digitization work.
  • Assist in the establishment of a ‘Public Information System’.