2012 數位典藏與學習國際會議 徵稿啟事
發表日期: 2011-09-16, 點閱數: 3,456 , 加入收藏櫃2012 數位典藏與學習國際會議 徵稿啟事
2012年數位典藏與學習國際會議主題為「融合、合作與創新」,由於資通技術不斷的創新,大量增加的典藏資料得以收集與保存。數位化及網路的世代已改變人文社會科學領域的研究,藉由持續地取得、使用及數位資料再利用,促成更多跨國合作與創新的研究計畫。「數位典藏與學習國際會議」為國內外 數位典藏與數位學習專家學者提供交流研究的場合,並讓國內學術界分享歐、美、亞國家在數位典藏與數位學習上的發展經驗。會中討論的主題包含數位典藏與數位學習成果介紹、數位內容加值應用、數位保存及永續經營。本次會議以下列主題,邀請大家在各自的研究範圍裡,提出論文共襄盛舉。投稿者請撰 寫英文論文摘400-500字,並利用線上系統投稿。
(一) 數位典藏內容與加值應用 (Content and Innovative Application):
This topic covers the diversified digital contents and their sophisticated innovative uses, the further development and linkage of the diversified contents is also covered. New forms of electronic publication and Publication of data from archives, or of research based on this data are also encouraged.
(二) 數位典藏技術開發與創新 (Digital Archives Technology Development and Innovations):
Tools or environments for working with archival material (i.e. more active interaction than just search/browse), technology for implementing archives and content processing, software systems that are being used to manage contents.
(三) 科學資料及生物多樣性資料之典藏(Scientific data & Biodiversity Collections):
隨著科技的演進,科學及生物多樣性資料面臨以下的挑戰:PetaByte等級的資料量,日趨複雜的資料格式,和工作流程系統的整合以利資料分析, 並能在資料處理中採擷到所要的資料。
Scientific and Biodiversity collections have challenges related to scale (petabytes of data), diverse data formats, and integration with workflow systems to support data analysis. The expected use is within data processing pipelines where data is mined from the collections.
(四) 使用者參與(User Participation):
Archives that are driven, supported or enhanced by user communities, for example by contributing content, enhancing metadata, volunteer participation on online contents etc.
(五) 地理資訊應用推廣(Spatial Technology – community deposit of maps and remote sensing images):
The maps and remote sensing images is one of the thematic collections in the TELDAP. The geographical coordinate is an effective approach to cross link the digital objects. The session covers the Geospatial System, science and service in order to add –value for digital objects. Innovative applications such as individuals upload images taken from their telephones that are geo-referenced and annotated are welcome.
(六) 數位學習(e-Learning) :
This session covers Technology Enhanced Science Learning, Digital Technology Enhanced Learning & Society, Classroom, Ubiquitous and Mobile Technologies Enhanced Learning, Technology Enhanced Language Learning, Testing and Assessment, as well as Innovative Design of Learning Software.
(七) 數位保存(Digital Preservation/Curation):
本主題討論數位保存的技術與系統設計及相關政策。如果沒有適當的數位保存政策,各類數位物件的保存年限將會縮短。因此本主題更針對數位保存政策各層面,含真實性、完整性(integrity), 保存生命週期(chain of custody)及可靠性(trustworthiness)進行探討。
This session covers the technology, system design and related policy for digital preservation. The preservation time for the digital objects will be shortened without proper digital preservation policy. The digital preservation policy could cover authenticity, integrity, chain of custody and trustworthiness.
(八) 永續經營(Sustainability):
Huge amount of digital objects and resources have been created worldwide in the last decade. Long-term sustainability to continuously create and maintain those contents is crucial. This session discusses sustainability model, organization, planning and best practices, etc.
‧ 林誠謙 (台灣中央研究院)
委員 (依姓名筆劃順序):
‧ David Bodenhamer (美國印第安那大學與普渡大學印第安那波里斯聯合分校)
‧ Donald Brinkman (美國微軟公司)
‧ Donatella Castelli (義大利國家研究委員會)
‧ 陳年興 (台灣國立中山大學)
‧ Stephen Griffin (美國科學基金會)
‧ Mark Hedges (英國倫敦國王學院)
‧ 項潔 (國立台灣大學)
‧ 謝國興 (台灣中央研究院)
‧ Lewis Lancaster (美國加州大學柏克萊分校)
‧ 李德財 (台灣中央研究院)
‧ Reagan Moore (美國北卡萊羅納大學教堂山分校)
‧ 潘英海 (台灣國立暨南國際大學)
‧ Chin-Chung Tsai (臺灣科技大學)
‧ 邵廣昭 (台灣中央研究院)
1. 發表論文不另贈稿酬,交通與住宿費自理,如需代訂住宿,請利用線上註冊系統。
2. 大會將於會後出版論文集,全文經由國際指導委員會(International Advisory
Committee)審查後,於Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing出版。全文請
依照Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing之體例。
3. 如有任何問題,請與大會秘書處許芸涵小姐(yunhan.hsu@twgrid.org)聯繫。